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Rules and Conditions

  1. Fishing is restricted to within the confines of Port Phillip Bay and Westernport.

  2. Competition commences at 12.01 am on Saturday November 2nd 2024.

  3. Snapper, pargus auratus, is the only fish species to be entered.

  4. Minimum entry fish length is 28cm.

  5. Prizes are only available to entrants of the Peninsula Snapper Challenge.

  6. Competition will be judged on total length of fish which is to be entered using a qualifying photograph, detailed below.

  7. All entrants must comply with the current fishing regulations of the State of Victoria.

  8. Observation of all marine safety issues, including weather conditions is the responsibility of entrants.

  9. The event will not be cancelled due to weather conditions.  

  10. There will be no refund for cancelled entries. 

  11. The presentation & lucky draw prizes will be given away, regardless of weather and any fish caught.

  12. There is no restriction on the number of times that you can submit an entry photo. Judges will only consider your longest fish entry for placement in the Peninsula Snapper Challenge

  13. Entrants will only be eligible to win one lucky draw prize.  After being drawn for a prize, Entrants won't be returned to the prize draw.

  14. In the event of any disputes arising, the event organiser's decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

  15. The Peninsula Snapper Challenge is conducted with an emphasis on fun & participation in recreational fishing, please conduct yourself with that mantra.

  16. Junior entrants must be aged 16 years or younger as of November 2nd 2024. Junior entrants will only eligible to win prizes from the Junior prize pool. Entrants under 16 are welcome to enter the Open category & be eligible for Open prizes.

  17. Submission of a photograph gives the organisers permission to use the photo in promotional activities.

  18. In the case of a tie, the winner of any prize will be the contestant who submitted the first photograph. 

  19. Organisers may choose to ask for photo ID for prize collection.

  20. Information collected by organisers may be shared with competition supporters. Should you not wish your information to be shared text your request to 0412 441 074.

  21. Each of the ten longest snapper submitted across all categories will win a Spotters sunglass prize pack consisting of Spotters sunglasses & cap.

  22. Lucky prize draw held on Sunday November 10th 2024.  All winners notified by email including the prize collection details.

  23. Trophy prizes will be presented to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd, legally caught longest snapper in Open and Junior sections.

  24. The longest snapper entered in the Open division will win our major prize of Wilson Live Fibre rod & Vigilance reel, approx, $750  Compleat Angler Dandenong voucher, Spotters sunglass pack plus hand crafted trophy. Total value approx. $2500

  25. Savwinch Super Snapper Day will be declared on a random fishing day, The longest snapper entered on that particular day will win a $1500 Savwinch voucher.

  26. The longest fish from the Open Division landed in both Port Phillip Bay & Westernport will each win a $750 Compleat Angler Dandenong voucher.

Photograph Requirements

  1. Your photograph must be submitted using a mobile phone prior to 11.59 AM EST on Sunday November 10th 2024

  2. The Mobile Number to be used for submission of photographs will be notified to all participants

  3. Snapper must be placed on a legal measuring device which is mounted on a flat, rigid surface.

  4. The entire fish, nose to tail, daily entry code & fish length must be clearly visible in the photograph.

  5. The entry code displayed in your submitted entry must match the entry code word for that calendar day which will be sent daily to the mobile phone number on your registration.

  6. Entered images that do not meet these requirements or requests will not be considered.

  7. Only one photo per text message.

  8. The text box of the submitted photo needs to include your name, fish length & bay of capture (please use WP or PPB to differentiate) ie John Smith 85cm PPB.

  9. Fish length is defined to be a single fish, measured from nose to tip of upper tail fin.

  10. The smartphone and measuring device may be inspected by organisers if requested.

  11. Upon receipt of your entry photo, the Peninsula Snapper Challenge will reply with a confirmation text message to acknowledge the receipt of your entry image. Should the entrant not receive the confirmation text message, it is the responsibility of the entrant to report the situation to organisers. Please call 0412 441 074 to report this situation.

The correct format for your entry image

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